Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Meeting June 2002

This meeting held June 3, 2003. We read The Red Tent by Anita Diamant. Hosted by Amanda.


Spring Bay Bookies said...

Book: The Red Tent
Reviewer: Laurie
At first I did not care for this book at all but I soon changed my mind. Part fact and part fiction combined to tell the story of Dinah and her family members. Jacob, her father, Leah, Rachel, Zilpah and Bilhah, her four mothers and her twelve brothers. The book has many facts about the customs of biblical times, THE RED TENT made for a long and interesting discussion at our reading group meeting. Read it to find out more about this fascinating story.
I rate this book a 4

Spring Bay Bookies said...

Book: The Red Tent
Reviewer: Debbie DP
Rating: almost a 3

Comments: I liked this book but I did not get so wrapped up in it that I couldn’t put it down. I would recommend this book because I cannot believe how the women were treated. If I was browsing the library and read the book jacket I would never have checked it out. I am glad it was chosen for book club.

Spring Bay Bookies said...

The Red Tent
Rating: 5
Read Genesis 34. Then let your imagination go and wonder, what if? Then read THE RED TENT to discover how this author’s imagination brings these biblical characters to life in a fascinating tale of sisterhood, motherhood, love, deceit, and revenge. This is the story of Dinah Jacob’s only daughter and what a powerful story it is. I experienced emotions of love, hate, envy, despair, joy and deep sorrow as I lived Dinah’s life with her. I felt drawn into the RED TENT and connected to the spirit of all women past and present. Dinah and her story will remain with me for a long, long time.
My only criticism of the book is that in the beginning it is difficult to keep track of all the different characters….though there is a family tree at the beginning of the book for reference.
This is a life affirming, woman affirming, and story with an anti-male tone. I think most all women would like this book. When I finished reading it I wanted to read it again.