Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Meeting April 1, 2002

We read and discussed Bee Season by Myla Goldgerg.  Meeting hosted by Laurie.


Spring Bay Bookies said...

Book: Bee Season
Reviewer: Amanda
Ratings: Rate 2.5 On a scale of 1-5 (five being the best)
Comments: The book was captivating, creative, but sad. I can’t say I didn’t like it because it was hard to put down. The book was weird and disturbing but yet entertaining.

Spring Bay Bookies said...

Book: Bee Season
Reviewer: Barb
Rating: 3-(on a scale 1-5 )
Comments: A lot of stuff was really overdone with the numbers. Overall it was a good book, but dragged in the beginning. Felt very close to the children, wanted to know more about the end and surprised by the ending.

Spring Bay Bookies said...

I’d read this was the story of how a young girl winning her spelling bee changed the dynamics of her whole family. This family was a “kaleidoscope of dysfunction: long before the spelling bee and Eliza winning only served as the catalyst, displacing her brother, Aaron as the Golden Child in their father’s eyes.
I couldn’t help but feel sorry for both of these children who had the misfortune to be born of parents so cold, distant, and engrossed in their own obsessions. The father, Saul, is so self-absorbed and obsesses with his passion for Jewish mysticism that he is blinded to the suffering of those around him. And the mother, Miriam, is just plain obsessed. DFS, where are you?
This story was weird and disturbing. It was not realistic and went to extremes that were not believable. The parts about practicing for the spelling bee and the monotony about individual lesser and sounds, I found slow moving and T-E-D-I-O-U-S.
That said, I still found myself thinking about these characters between readings and wanting to get back to reading more. It was as if I were drawn into their obsessions with a bit of my own. Because of my mixed feeling about BEE SEASON, I’m rating it right in the middle with a 3. Also, I think this story makes the case against drug use.